Energy efficient homes, its not always what we think about and while we have certainly enjoyed some unusual weather lately, it’s easy to forget that Winter is just around the corner making now the perfect time of the year to start considering how you intend to conserve heat over the winter months. There are plenty of options to consider, including some cheaper temporary fixes, but there’s no doubt that one of the best ways to conserve energy is to install modern windows, doors and fittings in your home. Brackenwood have been improving homes in Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey across five different decades, so you can feel safe in the fact that you truly are getting an expert opinion.

Energy Efficient Homes


Windows are one of the most common places for losing heat in the winter, especially if the windows are particularly old. It’s estimated that a typical house will lose up to 10% of its heat through windows, so ensuring you’ve got the latest window technology will mitigate some of that loss. There’s a lot of science that goes behind it, but the main crux of it is that you want to find the perfect balance between gaining solar heat through the window while reducing the outgoing heat from the home - there’s a lot more to it than that, but we don’t want to bore you. Brackenwood understands how important keeping your home warm is, which is why all of our windows are designed with energy-efficiency in mind and are A+ Rated. Our double-glazed windows will save you just short of £5000 (Check how much you can save with this energy saving calculator) over ten years when upgrading from single glazed, which means you will spend less time and money heating your home. So, if you’ve got outdated windows and you want to keep the heat in this winter, why not consider Brackenwood? You can view more information about our windows below and help to transform your home to one of our Brackenwood Energy Efficient Homes. Brackenwood Windows

Front & Back Doors

Losing heat through the front and back doors is pretty unavoidable, as they will be opened during numerous points throughout the day, but did you know that an ill fitted or poorly designed door can also cause heat loss? As we previously mentioned, windows are the cause of around 10% of heat loss in the home and ill-fitted doors also play a role in that. While there are some simpler methods of reducing heat, such as draft guards and thick curtains, the best way to reduce the heat through your front door is to install one that fits perfectly. Brackenwood has over thirty years of experience in designing, planning and fitting the perfect front door. We understand the importance of staying warm in the winter, and how expensive it can be to live in a home that isn’t eco-efficient, that’s why we are always striving for more energy efficient homes. If you would like to find out more about our range of doors, please visit the link below. Brackenwood Doors


We all know that heat rises, which is why it’s no surprise that people can lose up to 25% of the heat in their homes through the roof. This is why it’s vital to not only make sure that your loft is properly insulated, but also that your roofline and roof are properly sealed. A poorly constructed or old roofline will let heat seep out, losing money and warmth, which is why now is the perfect time to consider updating or even replacing yours. Our fantastic range of fascia, soffits, bargeboards and guttering will not only help keep your home warmer, but will also protect it from the elements. A 10 year guarantee and IPG (Insurance Backed Guarantee) ensures your home will stay protected for years to come, with the confidence of our support should anything go wrong. Want to find out more about our rooflines? Please click the link below. Brackenwood Roofline Winter is still a few months away yet, but it often comes around much faster than you think which is why we put this short list together helping to transform and make more energy efficient homes. If you would like to find out more about our products, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today. Visit our contact page and find the method of contact that best suits you. Contact Brackenwood