It is becoming much more common for homeowners to consider the many different ways that they can adapt their property instead of putting it on the market. More often than not, one of the main reasons for needing to move home is requiring more space and nowadays, with lots of different extension options to choose from, there is often a solution that allows you to keep your home and add the extra space that you require.  Whilst previously, many would have turned to a single-storey extension when wanting to create more space in their home, nowadays, many are opting for a conservatory instead. With so many different conservatory options available, it is highly likely that this popular solution will be able to meet the needs of all homeowners, no matter what they may be.  When it comes to getting a conservatory, or even making adaptations to your existing conservatory, the one question that many have is “will I need planning permission?”. So, to help homeowners, our team has put together some helpful information.

Do you need planning permission for a conservatory?

Simply put, in planning permission terms, conservatories fall under something called ‘permitted development’ which allows you to carry out common home building projects without needing to apply for planning permission. So, essentially, you won’t need planning permission for your conservatory as long as it meets the specific permitted development conditions.  When you’re designing a conservatory, it is important to remember that in order for you not to require planning permission, the conservatory extension mustn’t be bigger than half of the area around the original house. Thankfully, a professional company will be able to assist you with this and ensure that the designs you create comply with this rule.  It is always worthwhile pointing out that you may need to get planning permission if you live in a listed building, a ‘designated area’ (Conservation Areas, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, World Heritage Sites and National Parks.) or if you fall under an Article 4 Direction. So, it is absolutely essential to be aware of these things.  Ultimately, it is always recommended that you check whether you will require planning permission for the conservatory you’d like to install before you start any work. You can then carry out the project with complete peace of mind knowing that you won’t face any potential issues later down the line.

Do you need planning permission for a roof replacement?

Many wonder what happens in relation to planning permission if they change their classic glass conservatory roof to a different solid conservatory roof solution, and things aren’t always straightforward in this regard. Essentially, by changing the roof from glass to tile, you will actually be changing the nature of the structure. When you have a solid roof, your structure may now be considered a single-storey extension rather than a ‘conservatory’, so whether you require planning permission will depend on whether the new structure meets the requirements of permitted development. Again, it is always best to speak to an experienced professional to prevent any problems.  Should you require planning permission for your new conservatory roof solution, the company you choose to assist you with the installation should be able to help you. All experienced companies can provide you with any additional information you require about conservatory roof replacements too. 

Installing a conservatory extension at your property 

Hopefully, this general information will be beneficial when you’re trying to figure out whether or not you require planning permission for your conservatory. Of course, as mentioned above, it is essential to reach out to an expert when wanting to install a conservatory or make adjustments to your existing conservatory, and they will be able to provide you with tailored information about planning permission. This is the best way to ensure that the project you are planning is fully compliant and nothing is overlooked.  Whether you’re wanting to install a new conservatory extension or you’d like to explore the different conservatory roof solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at Brackenwood. From organising everything relating to planning permission and the design phase through to the final installation, our team at Brackenwood are here to guide you through your dream home journey. Feel free to call us today and we will gladly answer any initial questions that you may have and discuss your project with you in more detail.