Often, homeowners completely overlook their windows when they’re carrying out general maintenance work around the house and many assume that their windows will simply take care of themselves. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case and they aren’t as indestructible as people tend to think. All windows will require some regular maintenance to keep them both looking their best and working as they should be for many years to come.  Aside from window cleaning, the vast majority won’t undertake any other type of window maintenance and this can lead to them requiring replacement windows much sooner than they should. Of course, if you have just invested in new windows for your home, you will want to ensure that you’re keeping on top of the essential maintenance and making a conscious effort to keep them in tip-top condition. So, don’t overlook these simple maintenance tasks; 

Cleaning the frame as well as the glass 

The vast majority of homeowners have window cleaners and they assume that this is the only cleaning their new replacement windows will require, but this isn’t the case. So many people overlook the importance of cleaning all parts of the window frame and ensuring that it is free from dust and debris, but it is something you should be doing as well as cleaning the glass. 

Opening windows in less-used rooms 

Almost all homeowners will use some windows in their property more than others, typically windows in communal living areas will be opened more often than those in bedrooms. Not using your windows can cause them to become stiff and difficult to open, so ideally you should ensure that each and every window is being opened regularly to reduce issues.

Checking the essential parts 

Things such as the window’s hinges and locks, or any other moving parts for that matter, will suffer the most wear and tear, yet they aren’t checked frequently enough. When using your new replacement windows, you should ensure you’re checking that all essential parts are working as they should be. This will help you to catch any small problems before they get worse.

Keeping an eye on the seals 

Arguably, the seals are one of the most important parts of your windows, yet may don’t pay any attention to them when carrying out general window maintenance. If your seals are failing, heat will be leaking from your home, your bills will begin to increase and the overall efficiency of your home will suffer. So, always check the seals whenever you clean your windows. 

Repairing any damaged parts 

It isn’t uncommon for homeowners to overlook the importance of repairing parts of their windows, no matter how small the damage may be. These repairs are often put to the bottom of a ‘to-do list’ but if you don’t address them, it is likely that they will deteriorate further. Of course, repairs can quickly turn into replacements and you want to avoid this from happening. 

Carefully opening and closing windows

Whilst this doesn’t necessarily fall under “maintenance”, it is definitely worthwhile mentioning. Homeowners can become careless with their windows and often they will yank them open and closed which can put added stress on the window and cause them to break. When you have invested in replacement windows, you should ensure that you’re always using them carefully.

Investing in replacement windows in Surrey 

When reading through these commonly overlooked maintenance tasks it is likely that you will notice just how many simple things you don’t do on a regular basis. Of course, now that you’re aware of what is required maintenance-wise, you can ensure that you’re keeping on top of everything that is important when taking care of them. It is fair to say that window maintenance isn’t complicated, so it really shouldn’t be overlooked.  If you’re interested in installing new windows at your property, please visit the Brackenwood website today. We specialise in replacement windows in surrey, and the surrounding areas, and will gladly assist you further in this regard. With such a huge range of different window designs to choose from, you can guarantee that no matter what the style of your property may be, we will have the perfect solution for you.