There are a number of advantages to upgrading the exterior doors at your property, whether you’re wanting a new entrance door or new patio doors, and it is easy to see why so many homeowners choose to invest in this home improvement. That being said, when doing so, many will try to find the cheapest door replacement quote before starting on this project in order to save themselves some money.  Even though there is no harm in shopping around for your new doors and getting lots of different door replacement quotes, simply choosing the cheapest door offered to you isn’t always the best idea. Understandably, it can be tempting to go with the most affordable option, but you may end up regretting doing so. Below we have looked into some of the most important reasons why you shouldn’t always accept the cheapest door replacement quote you receive. 

Price often reflects quality 

Simply put, if you get a really cheap quote for what is described as a ‘high-quality’ door then it is unlikely that the quality will be what you’re expecting. With products like this, the price really does reflect the quality and in order to provide such a cheap door, a company must be saving money somewhere down the line and often, it is on the materials or the manufacturing process. 

Cheap materials won’t last long 

Your external doors need to be able to withstand the worst weather conditions and when they’re made with cheap materials, whether this is timber, uPVC or composite, it’s unlikely that they will be able to. If you go with the cheapest door replacement quote, you will probably end up needing a new door a lot sooner than you should and the door installed will just let you down. 

Security can be compromised 

Doors are at the heart of your home’s security and if a door hasn’t been designed to prevent unwanted visitors from gaining access, you risk people being able to easily break into your home. You may find that cheap doors don’t meet industry standards in regards to safety and security, and they won’t provide the protection or peace of mind that you’re looking for. 

Your energy-efficiency might suffer 

Similarly to your windows, your exterior doors help to keep the warm air in your home and the cold air out, or vice versa depending on the time of year. Only the highest-quality doors will be able to do so effectively and unfortunately, it is likely that if you choose the cheapest door replacement quote, your home will become much less energy efficient. 

There may be additional hidden costs 

It is important to note that just because the initial quote you’ve been given by a company is reasonable, doesn’t mean that you won’t end up paying more than this. You may find that the back or front door prices seem so cheap because the quote doesn’t include installation, for example, and there will be lots of hidden costs that end up making the project really expensive. 

You might not get a guarantee 

Surprisingly to some, not all external doors come with a guarantee and usually, it is the cheaper doors that lack this. Without a warranty, if anything goes wrong with your new door, which it probably will, you are responsible for handling and paying for this yourself. Again, this can be really expensive and it may even end up costing more overall than the average cost of a door. 

Deciding which door replacement quote to go with 

There is no denying that whilst it is always nice to save money when you’re investing in new products for your home, you shouldn’t necessarily choose the cheapest door replacement quote that you’re provided with. It really is beneficial to take into account everything mentioned above when you’re deciding which quote to accept and it goes without saying that this is one home improvement you really don’t want to skimp out on.  If you’re currently getting a few different door replacement quotes, be sure to contact us here at Brackenwood. We design, manufacture and install a vast range of different exterior doors and we will gladly put together an accurate quote for the type of door you’re interested in. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality double glazed windows, doors and conservatories at competitive prices, so it’s always worthwhile getting a quote from our team. With a number of useful finance options available too, we really are the best company to turn to for external doors.